7 Habits

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 5

Welcome to another glorious week in kindergarten!  

Last week we had so much fun learning about the letters Rr and Tt.  The letter Rr says, Rrrrr.  We road our cars on our Rr roads practicing the sound.

We also ate really good raisins and had a visit from Mrs. Hill’s 2 rabbits!  Then we learned how to draw a rabbit and write the letters Rr.

 Mrs. Hill said they didn't have names so we gave them 2 rhyming names:   
Crunchy & Munchy.

For the letter Tt we ate terrific tiny tomatoes and played with Mrs. Scalise’s Thomas the Tank Engine’s train track.  

We ended the week with a Teddy Bear Tea Party where we counted and ate ten Teddy Grahams - and then a few more!


This week we met our 4th grade Study Buddy.  They are Mrs. VanPatten’s students.  We interviewed each other and read them our Name Book that we made.  We will get to read to them (and have them read to us) along with helping us practice our snap words, every week!

This week we will continue focusing on Habit #1 Be Proactive ~ I’m in charge of me! I have already seen great examples of our students being proactive and I love it when then tell me how they have been proactive at home!  Use the word “Proactive” at home and see what great results you will get.

We have spent the first 4 weeks working on how to spell our first name.  At this point your child should be able to spell and write his/her first name without any help.  This includes starting their name with a capital letter and the rest of their name in lower case letters.  Have your child write their name for you at home.  If they can’t do this with 100% accuracy without any prompting then they are behind and I highly encourage you to work with them at home.  Have them practice writing it in sand or on a cookie sheet in salt.  Writing it in shaving cream is also fun!

Thanks to all the families that are being PROACTIVE with your child’s homework each week!  Please take a look at the following list to make sure your child receives full credit(10 points), for their homework each week.
This is what a completed Home Learn packet looks like:

  • ·         Each assignment is completed 100%

  • ·         All handwriting is done in PENCIL (not pen or marker)

  • ·         Pictures are colored with 3 or more colors (when coloring is indicated)

  • ·         The colored Home Learn Bookmark is still attached to the packet

  • ·         You have initialed or placed a check mark next to each assignment in the box

  • ·        You have logged reading minutes each week

Homework is worth 10 points each week.  Points are deducted for late, missing, or partially completed assignments (unless absent).  Please help your child learn this important skill of completing homework and returning it each Thursday.

FREE PIZZA !  Your child will receive a Pizza Hut coupon for a free pizza at the end of each month if he/she has logged, (turned in) reading minutes each week.  I am so impressed to see how much you are reading at home!  Thank you for being so proactive!  Each week your child will get to put a gum ball sticker on our gum ball machine if they turn in reading minutes.


Homework assignment
This week your child will be going on a rhyming hunt in your home.  Their task is to look for 2 rhyming objects.  Like: a sock & a rockThen they will be writing the words for each of their objects on the worksheet (please help with spelling).  Send them to school any day this week!  I will be taking a picture of each student with their object.

Language Arts Quiz
This will be coming home in your child’s Home Learn Folder.  Take a look at it and celebrate everything they got right.  Then, practice, practice, practice any letters and/or snap words they missed.  All students should be able to identify the letters: Mm, Ss, Rr, Tt & words: my, the, a, and. 

Try practicing writing them in a cookie tray with salt or writing them in shaving cream.  They can also make them out of Play-Doh.


On Wednesday we will be learning about the letter Aa, it’s long and short sounds.  To do this I would like each child to bring one apple from home.
In math we will be graphing using the apples and then eat them.  So they will not be coming back home.


Sept. 12-16   OPA BOOK FAIR  This will take place in the library this week.  Because of the book fair we will not be having our regular library day on Tuesday.  Your child can turn their book in but will not be able to check one out until the following week.
Sept. 15 Thursday is our Grandparent Luncheon  All grandmas and grandpas will need to first stop at the office to pay for their lunch and then meet us in the cafeteria at 11:20 am

Sept. 17 $1.00 Free Dress Day (Thursday since we won't have school Friday)
Sept. 17, 18 (this week) NO SCHOOL 
·         Thursday is a minimum day.  Our class will be dismissed at 12:45. 
·         Friday there is no school.  These 2 days are Professional Development for the teachers in the OPA building.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
citizens can change the world.  Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead

Have a fabulous week!
Mrs. Scalise

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to post these pictures and updates. It helps so much for us parents to stay involved!
