7 Habits

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 14

I am so proud of our kiddos!  Last week our class read a total of 2,065 minutes!!! Every week our total goes up!  Keep going!

Veteran’s Day
We also learned about who a Veteran is and why they are so important to our country.  If you or a member of your family is a Veteran, we salute you and them and are very grateful for your/their service! 

Copies of your child’s Language Arts Unit 2 test and Math Unit 4 tests are in their homework folder. Please, please celebrate what they know and practice anything they are missing. Anything missed on these tests puts them behind where they should be at this point.

QU Wedding – Mr. Q and Miss. U are getting married in class on Friday! Part of your child’s homework this week is to pick a word that begins with “Qu” to write on their paper. Then they must color and/or decorate (glitter, ribbons, sequins…) their gift to look fabulous.  The children will be presenting their gift to the couple (a.k.a. 2 of our students) after the wedding.
These will be displayed in the hall. Please help your child make it their very best work.
I am also watching all week for students to be the perfect kids to be: Mr. Q and Miss U, a ring bearer, brides maids, and best men.  The children have let me know if they would like to be one of these people in our wedding.  On Thursday we will make the final selection.  

We are continuing our exploration of 2D shapes.  By now all of the children should be able to identify these shapes in their environment:
  • ·        Square
  • ·        Circle
  • ·        Rectangle
  • ·        Triangle
  • ·        Rhombus
  • ·        Hexagon
This week we will continue shapes but explore 3D shapes (sphere, cube, cone, & cylinder).

LANGUAGE ARTS                                                               
We are working really hard on blending letters to make cvc words (consonant, vowel, consonant).  We know that the vowels are the glue that stick words together.  Like in the words: zig & zag.  We pull the sounds down and put them together.  Have your child show you how we practice this in class.

Don’t forget about our Literacy Program this Thursday at 6:00 pm.  We have been working so hard to prepare for it.  We have learned songs and memorized parts.  We have made decorations. Some of the children will be sharing what they are thankful for and we teachers will be giving you some ideas on how to read with your child.  Please plan on attending.  

Your child should arrive at 5:45 pm and come directly to our class.  Please refer to last week’s blog to see a copy of the invitation.  One also came home in your child’s homework folder, this week.

We had fun last Friday getting ready for our Literacy Night and practicing our 2D shapes.  Take a look:

 THANK YOU to the parents that came and ran our centers.  They were such a big help!

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