7 Habits

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Week 10

Oh my, we have some kiddos off to a great start!  West, Kate, and Jeremiah have already completed level aa!  Congratulations!

PIZZA… check your child’s homework folder for their October Pizza Hut coupon. It can be redeemed for a free personal pan pizza for turning in reading minutes during the month. 

Image result for clip art red ribbon week

We spent the week talking about what it means to be DRUG FREE and make healthy choices for our body and mind.  Habit #2 says – Begin With the End in Mind.  Instead of doing things that can harm us we came up with things we can do.  Come take a look at them just outside of our classroom. 

Hazel said, “We can drink water.”  Victor said, “We can go to PE.”

I am still missing 5 report card envelopes.  If you still have your child’s please sign the envelope – keep the report card – then send the envelope back to school on Monday.
Image result for clip art report card 

Words Their Way Spelling
I loved looking over the spelling Sorting Mats this last week!  Thank you for putting effort into stressing neat handwriting and letter formation.  Here are some of the fabulous Sorting Mats turned in last week!

Practice & Review…
Next week we will be taking our language arts unit 2 assessment.  Your child will need to know the following concepts:

·         Snap words: the, my, a, and, I, like, to, is, in, we, go, me, no, at
·         Letter sounds & names: Mm, Ss, Rr, Tt, Pp, Cc, Nn, Dd, Ll, Gg, Ff, Ii, Aa, Oo, Hh, Kk, Bb
·         Count the number of syllables in a given word
·         Identify prepositions
·         Identify antonyms
·         Blend sounds- if I say “pea-nut” your child will need to say “peanut”

Last week…      We explored the letters Bb and Oo.

We learned that the letter Oo is a vowel and makes 2 sounds like in the words orange and octopus.  We ate orange slices and discovered that they turn into the letter O or the number 0. 

Then we made an octopus!  Our motion for short o is to sweep your hand across your body like an octopus.

We made Rock Monsters and fed them short o words.  Yum, yum!  

Bb is for bananas and big bouncing balloons.  We bounced balloons while counting to 10 then back to 0.  Then we did it while saying the alphabet.  Our motion is to pretend that you are holding a baby and bounce him.  Ask your child to demonstrate both of these for you. 

When we write a lower case b we think of a bat and a ball.  We first have to pick up the bat before we can hit the ball.  We went outside and each got to practice hitting a baseball

We even wrote about things that begin with the letter Bb in a Box.  Look at how good we are getting at putting sounds together to make words.  Even though the spelling is not perfect, it is perfect kindergarten spelling!

Last week we took an assessment to “show what we know and where we did grow” with numbers 0 to 10.  I was so impressed with how well the children can read, write, count, show 1 more, and one less with these numbers!  We are now moving onto 2D and 3D shapes.

Our wonderful room mothers have planned some great learning and fun activities for the children next Tuesday the 31stIf you are new to OPA I wanted to let you know that our school does not dress up in Halloween costumes.  But even without the costumes I promise the children will have a lot of fun at our activity!

FRIDAY, November 3rd
Minimum Day ~ dismissal is at 12:45 pm

“At OPA… Everybody loves, Everybody learns, Everybody leads”
Thank you for being a part of what makes our children and school great!

Mrs. Scalise

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